Thursday 2 May 2013

Christmas Garland Ideas

Don't settle for the traditional tinsel garland this year when decorating your tree. Do something a little different and create your own garland for decorating around your house or Christmas tree. Get kids to help with this project so everyone can get involved. Creating your own homemade garland is also a good way to recycle unused items around the house.

Gift Wrap Or Card Garland
Cookie cutters work well as templates for Christmas-shaped paper garlands. For the paper, use leftover gift wrap or old Christmas cards. Make shapes such as bells, trees or candy canes using the paper. Make two copies of each shape and glue them together to make them double-sided. Punch a hole in each shape with a hole punch and thread the shapes onto ribbon or colorful cord.

Candy Garland
Scraps of fabric and miniature foam balls become candy garland with this simple Christmas craft. Cut fabric squares several times the size of the balls you are using. Hot glue a ball to the center of each piece of fabric and wrap it up like a piece of hard candy. Twist each end to look like candy inside a wrapper and secure with small pieces of ribbon. Make multiple candies and hot glue or string them together to create a garland for the tree.

Ornament Garland
Liven up a thick length of pretty ribbon with Christmas ornaments. Loop the ribbon through each ornament and evenly space and tie the ornaments onto the ribbon to create the garland. Similarly colored ornaments, such as all gold or all silver, make an elegant statement. Ornaments of the same shape look uniform and sophisticated.

Kids' Garlands
Kids can make the classic paper-chain garlands to decorate the tree. Cut long strips of paper and form loops around other loops to create chains. Fasten loops with invisible tape, glue or a stapler. Christmas colors look best or have kids color the loops or make individual designs on them. Kids also can help string popcorn and cranberries together to make old-fashioned, traditional garlands.

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